McCarter Romero Scholarship
The Grand Jurisdiction of New Mexico, International Order of the Rainbow for Girls announces the availability of a Rainbow Scholarship.
The General Eligibility Guidelines for this scholarship are:
1. The applicant must be a Rainbow member who has not reached age majority by the time of the deadline.
2. The applicant must have exhibited an interest and active participation in a New Mexico Assembly of the International Order of the Rainbow for Girls.
3. The applicant must have exhibited outstanding scholastic and leadership ability. Extra Curricular and Civic Activities will be considered.
4. Submission of High School or College Transcripts
5. Applicant must have the endorsement of the Advisory Board or the Mother Advisor of her local Assembly.
6. Application is to include a letter from a High School Teacher or College Professor and a letter from a Rainbow Mother Advisor or Advisory Board member. Note: This is two letters!
INCOMPLETE APPLICATIONS WILL BE DISQUALIFIED. Be very sure your application is complete.
The scholarship money will be disbursed to the recipient upon verification of enrollment.
Applications may be secured from Mother Advisors, the Supreme Liaison team, or the McCarter Romero Scholarship Committee.
Please contact Amber Zoubovitch at for more information regarding the application or to submit your application.