To be Grand Worthy Advisor for the New Mexico jurisdiction of the International Order of the Rainbow for Girls, candidates must submit an application packet for the Grand Executive Committee and will be interviewed by members of the Grand Executive Committee and Junior Executives.
Requirements to be Grand Worthy Advisor:
1. Candidates must be a Past Worthy Advisor or current Worthy Advisor of her Assembly at the time of the interview.
2. Candidates must be 17 years old, and it is preferred that they are a senior in high school; and not have reached their 21st birthday by the Installation date of the current Grand Assembly year.
3. Candidates must be accompanied by parent/parents or legal guardian/guardians for the interview.
How to Apply to be Grand Worthy Advisor:
Girls who meet the requirements above and are interested in becoming Grand Worthy Advisor need to complete the packet linked below and return to the Supreme Liaisons no later then April 30, 2023 (if sending via email).
You will be asked to give a 3-5 minute prepared and memorized speech that you would deem appropriate for an official visit. A copy of the speech needs to be provided for the Grand Executive Committee by May 5, 2023.
Interviews will be set up for May 7, 2023. Information on interviews will be provided after applications have been submitted.
Have questions regarding being Grand Worthy Advisor or the application process? Reach out to one of the Supreme Liaisons or a Past Grand Worthy Advisor to learn about the exciting leadership role!