International Order of the Rainbow for Girls
The Heart of Rainbow
The Supreme Assembly of the International Order of the Rainbow for Girls and the Supremem Worthy Advisor, Mrs. Carolyn York, present The Heart of Rainbow Supreme Session.
Supreme Session Information
Symbol, Colors, Mascot,& Flowers
Symbols: Hearts, Pearls, and Bears
Colors: A Rainbow of Red, White & Blue
Flowers: White Roses and Calla Lilies
Mascot: Bears
Goal, Motto, & Quote
Goal: “OMG” IORG – One More Girl
Motto: A Heartful of Love and Service
Quote: Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious (Mary Poppins)
Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven.”
(Matthew 5:6)
(Psalms 33:12)
Heart to Heart
I’ll Walk with God
Membership and Service Incentive Program
B.E.A.R. Program
“Be Enthusiastic About Rainbow” (BEAR) program is the Supreme 2026 combined membership, service, ritual, and fundraising focus. Girls can earn their bear and heart charms by completing various tasks.
The HEART Essentials
The HEART Essentials is the Supreme 2026 E-newsletter and website initiative.