Purses of Empowerment donated to La Casa, Inc.

During the 2023 Grand Assembly, attendees assembled care packages as part of the Supreme Assembly project “Purses of Empowerment” to donate to local women’s shelter’s around the state. The purses collected via donation were filled with hygiene products women may need during their time in the shelter. Purses were donated to La Casa, Inc. in Las Cruces, NM, as well as to other shelters in Albuquerque and Farmington.
La Casa, Inc. provides emergency shelter, domestic violence prevention, awareness, advocacy, and support to women in Doña Ana, Luna, and Hidalgo counties.
“Hygiene products are among the most needed items for these courageous survivors, as they provide a sense of dignity, comfort, and self-care during challenging times. With the generous “Purses for Empowerment” donation, we can now extend a helping hand to these women, ensuring they have the necessary hygiene products to take care of themselves as they embark on their journey to safety and healing.” (La Casa, Inc.)
Learn more about La Casa, Inc by visiting their website: https://lacasainc.org/
See the full Facebook post below: